One of the most important issues that can distinguish Iran Truffle Company from other companies that operate in the field of truffle sales can be mentioned that by buying Iran Truffle, you eliminate a large number of middlemen, so you can Buy from us with quality and lower price. As mentioned in the previous sections, truffles have been commercialized in Iran for only about 10 years, and the forests that are extracted from truffles in Iran are younger and more fertile than in other countries.
For this reason, every year and in all seasons, about 90% of the truffles extracted from Iran are sent to packaging factories in European countries. where it is offered to customers at a much higher price. It should also be said that the only active and established company in Iran is Iran Truffle Company, which can pack black truffles by hand throughout the year after quality control with the highest facilities and deliver them to its customers in the shortest possible time.